Commercial company SIA LNS Rehabilitācijas centrs (hereinafter referred to as LNS RC) was founded by the merger of commercial companies SIA LNS kultūras centrs Rītausma (LNS Cultural Centre Rītausma), SIA LNS Komunikācijas centrs (SIA LNS Communication Centre) and SIA LNS Zīmju valodas centrs (SIA LNS Sign Language Centre).
LNS RC was registered in the Latvian Commercial Register on 23 February 2012.
Board Members
The board of LNS RC consists of two LNS Board Members; the Board Chair Sandra Gerenovska, Board Member Lilita Janševska.
Structure of the company
The aim of LNS RC activities is to implement events ensuring social rehabilitation of deaf people and human resource development, and to carry out business activities.
Main areas of the company activities
• Sign language interpreter’s services;
• Social rehabilitation;
• Adults’ education;
• Publishing activities;
• Other activities that comply with the aims of LNS RC activities and do not contradict the applicable regulatory acts of the Republic of Latvia.
Since 1 January 2010 social rehabilitation of disabled persons with hearing impairments is provided by the Latvian Association of Disabled Persons with the involvement of LNS company according to the Law on Social Services and Social Assistance.
In accordance with the Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers “Procedure of Provision of Social Services and Technical Aids – Equipment for Blind and Deaf by Latvian Association of Blind Persons and Latvian Association of Deaf People” (No.1472 of 15.12.2009), LNS RC provides social rehabilitation services and sign language interpreters’ services funded by the budget to disabled persons with hearing impairment. The services provided are threefold and further divided into specific aims.
1) Special social rehabilitation services:
• Latvian sign language learning,
• Communication and creative self-expression skill acquisition,
• Psychological adaptation trainings,
• Clients’ help and support in solving social issues.
2) Package of social rehabilitation services:
• persons with hearing impairment,
• persons with hearing and mental development impairment.
3) Sign interpreter’s services:
• Educational programme study,
• Contact with other individuals or legal entities.
Social rehabilitations services to disabled persons with hearing impairment are provided by LNS RC social work specialists – social workers, Latvian sign language interpreters, sign language interpreters, psychologists, social rehabilitology specialists and other employees having experience, knowledge and skills in work with disabled persons.
LNS RC specialists in social work provide certain social rehabilitation services according to the client’s individual social rehabilitation plan in order to facilitate social integration (up to 150 hours per year) and social rehabilitation service packages (no more than 150 days in five years).
Disabled persons with hearing impairment can get social rehabilitation services and sign language interpreter’s services funded by the state in LNS RC Social Rehabilitation Divisions, Sign Language Interpreter’s and Sign Language Development Divisions and in service provision centres in Riga, Alūksne, Smiltene, Valmiera, Liepāja, Kuldīga, Rēzekne, Daugavpils and Ventspils.
LNS Rehabilitācijas centrs – address and opening hours
• Riga
Address: Elviras str 19 k-3, Riga, LV – 1083
2 TRAM to the stop Elvira STREET
9 and 25.TROLEJBUS to the stop KULDĪGAS STREET
4, 4Z., 21, 38 and 46 to the stop BUS KULDĪGAS STREET
Nearest train stop: STATION “ZASULAUKS”
Phone during working hours: +371 67471512
E- mail: [email protected]
Working hours:
8:30 – 17:00